About Our Chapter, Past Presidents, & Award Winners |
Left to Right - Dave Seaman, Dave Evans (past President), Daniel Ljiljanich (President), Pat Sullivan (Treasurer), Tom Grimm, Amy Kauderer (Secretary), and Gail Perona. |
Left to Right: John Cooper (Area Governor), William Murabito (NCCC Interim President), Reg Madison (District Governor), and William Ross (Chairman of NCCC Board).
District Governor, Scott Marcin visits Rotary Club of Niagara County Central on October 12, 2023.
Community Collaboration:
Niagara County Rotary(s)
Meet with Interim President at NCCC
January 24, 2018 members and Officers from Niagara County Central, Niagara Falls USA, Albion, and Grand Island Rotary Clubs, as well as the leadership from District 7090 met at Niagara County Community College (NCCC) in Sanborn NY. They wanted to meet the new leadership of the College and welcome him to Niagara County.
William Ross, Chairman of the NCCC College Board (fellow Rotarian) welcomed them. Ross introduced Dr. William Murabito, Interim President of NCCC, and Vice-President Michael Dombrowski. The Rotarians were impressed with the updates about the College and the new Sanborn Learning Commons - scheduled to open in the fall of 2018.
NCCC’s link to Rotary began when Ernest Notar, first President of NCCC (1963-1975) was Governor of Rotary District 7090 from 1981-1982. It is great to see the relationship continues today.
June 2021 I was elected President of the Rotary Club of Niagara County Central. I followed in the footsteps of past-President David Evans who helped navigate the club through the uncertainty of COVID. Though I would have hoped COVID was weakening, the new variant is attempting to create its own havoc. In 1957 when Rotary collaborated to eradicate polio with the use of the Salk vaccine, ridding the world of this disease seems closer than ever. We can only hope and pray that Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, and yes boosters too, are the answer to the demise of COVID. Despite COVID, our club has stayed true to our commitment to our community and the environment:
In April, we celebrated Earth Day with a cleanup at the Wilson-Tuscarora State Park’s Roosevelt Beach. Rotarian and Wilson Superintendent, Tim Carter explained, “This was a great opportunity to not only celebrate our community, but to ask ourselves what we can do to conserve it for ourselves and future generations. Past President Evans said, “It is a great way to educate the public about the effects of littering, the importance of recycling, and instill a sense of stewardship about our planet.”
At our Installation dinner in June, we awarded $500 scholarships to three deserving high school seniors from the Niagara Wheatfield, StarPoint and the Wilson School Districts. We wish them well in their future endeavors. We also welcomed Rotarian and Assistant Governor, John Cooper, as he was sworn in as a new member of the Rotary Club of Niagara Country Central. Cooper is not new to being a Rotarian, having been past president of the Niagara Falls Rotary Club and past governor of Rotary District 7090. We proudly presented the Paul Harris Award to Rotarian and past President David Seaman.
In October, Community Collaboration was the strength of the Niagara Wheatfield Eco Campus Revitalization project at the Niagara Wheatfield Schools; sponsored by the Niagara Wheatfield Central School District, Rotary Club of Niagara County Central, and the Niagara River Greenway Commission. Cayuga Creek is the schools’ direct connection to the Great Lakes, which provides our community with everything from clean drinking water to economic and recreational benefits. Rotary President & Niagara Wheatfield Superintendent, Ljiljanich explained, “our project will not only continue to make those tangible improvements to local water quality, but it will also provide tremendous learning opportunities for our students and nature-based recreation and fitness opportunities for our community.” Chairperson Pat Sullivan remarked...“Though it was hard work no one ever said they would not do the tasks. It was a rewarding experience for all."
The Auto Parts Swap Meet and Car Corral was held the last weekend in October. Almost 300 people attended and despite being masked, they enjoyed food and the thrill of winning raffles and baskets.
In November and December, the Rotary Club of Niagara County Central annually donates dictionaries to third grade students in the Niagara Wheatfield and Wilson School District. Rotarian, the late Joseph B. Emmons, began this project locally in 2006. We proudly continue his worthwhile endeavor to bring these keepsakes of written knowledge to the students.
We personally donated funds to the Interact Club at Niagara Wheatfield High School to adopt a family at Christmas time. We remain impressed by the outstanding leadership of the Interact advisor Ms. Pyskaty and the commitment of the students to service above self. We know where our future generation of Rotarians will come from.
As I reflect back on this past year the word determination comes to mind. I salute my fellow Rotarians for their accomplishments and applaud them for their participation in achieving our goals for 2022. Happy New Year, Dan.
The Rotary Club of Niagara County Central presented the 2017 ‘Rotarians of the Year’ award to Dave Evans and Chuck Ventura who consistently exhibit “Service Above Self”.
David E. Seaman, Rotary Club of Niagara County Central, is the 2023 recipient of the Rotary Foundation Paul Harris Five Blue Stone Award!"
Left to Right: Tom Grimm and his wife Pat
Niagara County Central Rotary
Paul Harris Fellow Award
Paul Harris, a Chicago attorney, formed the first Rotary Club in 1905 so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and give back to their communities. Today Rotary is an international organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
The Rotary Club of Niagara County Central was chartered by Rotary International on June 23, 1987. Thirty years later the club is still active and supportive in the community. The Rotary Club of Niagara County Central is proud to present Tom Grimm, past Rotary President, with a Paul Harris Fellow, the highest form of recognition for a Rotarian. Tom joins the remarkable company of individuals throughout the world, all recognized for their devotion to the ideal of good will, peace and understanding.
New Niagara County Central Rotary members are always welcome! Please join us at our bi-monthly breakfast meetings Thursday at 7:15am at Niagara County Community College, 3111 Saunders Settlement Rd, Sanborn NY. Please click HERE for dates & details.
Community Collaboration was the strength of the Niagara Wheatfield Eco Campus Revitalization project at the Niagara Wheatfield Schools. Over 75 students and adults worked side-by- side on a crisp, rainy Saturday morning in October. For some it was their first experience not only using a rake, a shovel, and a wheelbarrow, but planting flowers & trees and spreading mulch was certainly a new challenge. Chairperson Pat Sullivan remarked...“Though it was hard work no one ever said they would not do the tasks. They learned from one another and developed a comradery working side-by-side (the young and the not so young). It was a rewarding experience for all."
The Revitalization project is sponsored by the Niagara Wheatfield Central School District, Rotary Club of Niagara County Central, and the Niagara River Greenway Commission. The goal of the revitalization project is to remove overgrown vegetation and plant fast-growing, sun-loving, native plants and install wayfinding and interpretive signage along the trail to make the trail a family friendly and safe venue to walk or bike.
The cost of Phase One is $2,200. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation please make your check payable to: Niagara Wheatfield ECO Campus Revitalization Project. Mail it to: Rotary Club Niagara County Central, P.O. Box 204, Sanborn, New York 14132.
For additional information please contact Chairperson Pat Sullivan via email at fpsully122@aol.com or at (716) 622-5470.
Member Roster - 2022-23
Timothy Carter
John Ambrose Cooper
John A. Cooper
Dave Evans...Director
Tom Grimm...Director
Steven Hoover
Amy Kauderer...Secretary
Daniel Ljiljanich…President
Sue Manfredo
Corey McCarthy
Robert Murphy
Gail Perona...Director
Beth Pyskaty
Bill Ross
Dave Seaman...Director
Pat Sullivan...Treasurer
Don Thompson
Pat Thompson
A Bit of History
Past Presidents
1987-88...Joel Radin
1988-89...Robert MacPhee
1989-90...Robert Deull
1990-91...Pat Sullivan
1991-92...Jack Hutchinson
1992-93...Jack Fechner
1993-94...Tony DiBiase
1994-95...Dean Johnson
1995-96...Peter Page
1996-97...Jim Mihalko
1997-98...Rick Ponzi
1998-99...Bill Ross
1999-00...Paula Wojtowicz
2000-01...Steve Kling
2001-02...Donald Thompson
2002-03...Dan Sperrazza
2003-04...Jeff Taylor
2004-05...Pat Sullivan
2005-06...Rev. Ken Comer
2006-07...Tom Grimm
2007-08...Tom Grimm
2008-09...Gary Hunt
2009-10...Robert Graczyk
2010-11...Robert Graczyk
2011-12...Marsha Emmons
2012-13...David Seaman
2013-14...Amy Kauderer
2014-15...Amy Kauderer
2015-16...Tom Grimm
2016-17...Tom Grimm
2017-18...Pat Sullivan
2018-19...David Evans
2019-20...David Evans
2020-21...David Evans
2021-22...Daniel Ljiljanich
2022-23...Daniel Ljiljanich
Paul Harris Fellows
1988...Joel Radin
1989...William Ross
1990...Taylor Johnson
1990...Bernard Page
1991...Angela Lloyd
1991...Ben Lloyd
1993...James Munro
1993...Pat Sullivan
1993...Robert Villani
1995...Roger Andrews
1995...Fred Barone
1996...Robert MacPhee
1997...Stanley Sadlo
1999...Dean Johnson
2000...Michael B. Lindhurst
2001...Robert Duell
2003...Merrell Lane
2003...Claudia Marasco
2005...William F. Stedge
2005...Rev. Robert F. Heiser
2006...Patrica Thompson
2006...Amy Duell
2007...Carol Houwaart Diez
2008...Donald Thompson
2009...Jeremy Lepsch
2009...Katie Zettle
2009...Russ Zettle
2014...Roger Andrews Jr.
2014...Chris Kriger
2014...Niel Patterson
2015...Amy Kauderer
2016...Robert Duell
2017...Thomas E. Grimm
Rotarian Of The Year Award
1998-99...Roger Andrews
1999-00...Jeffrey Taylor
2003-04...Pat Sullivan
2004-05...Stanley Sadlo
2005-06...Jack Fechner
2007-08...Susan Manfredo
2014-15...Deborah Brewer
2016-17...David Evans
2017-18...Charles Ventura
2019-20...Daniel Ljiljanich